Best Sharab Shayari: PiyuN Sharab Agar Khum 1

Best Sharab Shayari: PiyuN Sharab Agar Khum

Best Sharab Shayari: PiyuN Sharab Agar Khum

PiyuN Sharab Agar Khum Bhi Dekh LouN Do Char
Yeh Shishah-o-Qadaḥ-o-Kuzah-o-Sabu Kya Hai

पियूं शराब अगर खुम भी देख लौं दो चार
ये शीश-ओ-क़दाह-ओ-कुज़ाह-ओ-साबू क्या है

English translation of Best Sharab Shayari: PiyuN Sharab Agar Khum

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